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In any organization where repair maintenance is required, it is important that the field staff and service shop be set up properly from within. Our purpose is to assist personnel already on staff, to operate the various departments in an organized and cost-effective manner. This may include organization of:
- Personnel
- Recording systems
- Purchasing
- Warranty administration
- Quality control program
- Training
- Facilities organization
- CMMS - Computerized Maintenance Management Systems
Our goal is to work within the maintenance framework set out by the OEM, experiencing the cost benefit when maintenance standards are exceeded. The results will typically be a significant reduction in downtime as well as the time and money required to make a repair. The strategy is always to direct operating personnel to the initial cause of the failure instead of looking at a failure as a normal and unavoidable event. Sadly, too many failure conditions are considered normal. It has been our experience - and success - to emphasize the basics, realizing that the more complicated aspects look after themselves, typically as non-events.
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Aspects of Consultation
Planned Preventative Maintenance
This approach must first review the needs of your company and evaluate the cost effectiveness and implementation of your present maintenance program by:
- evaluating current maintenance cost levels
- equipment inspection and evaluation
- a structured maintenance program
- follow up and tracking procedure
- personnel training
- research new products that promote preventive maintenance
Then formulate a “goals oriented”, deliberate, calculated and a systematic plan of operation, designed to make everyone operate in a more cost effective way.
Repair Maintenance
Failures will inevitably occur and repair facilities will need to be included in the total operation. There are many ways to make each repair, whether in the shop or on location. It is important that your operation is aware of some of the common pitfalls that occur at a local shop and that your repair can be done one of several ways - with or without your knowledge. You must set the direction. You must be in charge and understand the repair decisions being made on your behalf. Alert Systems Ltd. will help you in that evaluation by making an "independent" evaluation of the facility and its personnel for you.
- Ensure that only qualified/trained personnel are working on your equipment
- Ensure that only approved OEM repair methods are being used
- Ensure that only OEM-approved repair parts are used
- Ensure that labor charged meets with generally accepted standards
- Ensure that "after repair" testing is properly done
- Ensure that your warranty policy is properly understood and applied
- Ensure that the original cause of failure is repaired
- Ensure that operating personnel are made aware of how their actions influence future equipment life
Problem solving, especially in engine repair, can often lead to a great deal of frustration and needless cost, simply because improper trouble-shooting techniques have been used. Operations personnel must develop a keen awareness of signs and symptoms that could point to an eventual failure.
Alert Systems Ltd. offers assistance in determining which factors are important and which are not. Unit components are inter-related in their operation. A lack of proper maintenance in one area can ultimately affect many other components, causing future sudden failures. For this reason, it is important for operations personnel to realize the consequences of improper maintenance.
A proactive approach to equipment health is much more cost effective than a reactive reaction to a failure.
When problems do occur, it is important to evaluate the condition in its natural setting. All factors need to be considered along with ambient conditions.
- Gather as much data as possible to locate the initial cause of the failure.
- Plan a strategy for a repair that will influence "down time" the least.
- Plan a strategy that will avoid a repeat problem.
Failure Analysis
What caused the failure?
Friction and the resulting wear are very real facts of life. All matter in motion is subject to friction. Rotary equipment is no exception. There is a reasonable, acceptable life span for all components but there is also an explanation for premature failure.
Failure analysis needs to be a primary consideration in any operation. In most cases, a close examination of the failure could reveal the cause. This knowledge may be applied to the repair of the same unit in similar future situations.
Alert Systems Ltd. offers its services in an analytical approach to determine the initial cause of failure.
Most failures can be traced back to maintenance, operations and engineering. Again, it is very important that operating personnel are fully trained in all aspects of their assignment.
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Decrease Overhead
Less supervisory people, less inventory, less shop space, less mechanical staff, less after-hours call outs, less telephone calls, less stress, less surprises
It seems that our industry is full of low expectations because we have become conditioned to believe that equipment, and the people who operate it, will let us down. That has been the past experience and expectation. Why!? Because, in the past, that has been our experience, and that has taught us what we believe to be the natural reality. Not so!
- Reduced NPT (Non Productive Time)
- Trained and skilled personnel
- Reduced ‘in stock’ inventory
- Reduced unscheduled maintenance
- Reliable Safe working environment
Increase Output
It’s a marriage – man and machine – and they have to get along
More than that, man has to understand the machine and make the proper choices to promote optimum equipment health: reliability, uptime, efficiency, and understanding that proper Preventive Maintenance (PM) will outlast the previous boundaries and set ‘new normal’ reliability standards. Increased output, reduced operational costs = increased output revenue $$$. These dollars go directly to the bottom line.
Increased output is not something that you have to strive to achieve; it is a natural outcome of a smart operation and making smart choices from reliable data.
Eliminate Downtime
Downtime: The most feared enemy of every contractor
The rig is only as reliable as its weakest component/person. Downtime costs big money in:
- The element of surprise and people’s reaction to the failure
- Immediate loss of production – there is no negotiation – it’s over!
- Scheduling and repairing, gaining control of shut-down time
- Parts, hotshots, communications, and inconvenience to field operations
- Embarrassment of downtime costs that may reflect on the reputation of the contractor
- Tarnished reputation that may affect future contract possibilities
Train Workers
Alert Systems Ltd. has already trained over 22,000 rig personnel worldwide on good preventive maintenance practices
Learn the basics, make the right choices, react to situations wisely, and the results will follow naturally.